Sunday, August 14, 2005

Rainy weather

I just did something that I do whenever I have the chance. This time my daughter made a comment--"Mom, why do all the people in cars keep looking at us like we're weird?"

She's right. Whenever I go outside on a rainy day with my kids and splash in puddles, I do get some pretty strange looks. It's quite sad, I think. Even my husband won't go play in the rain anymore. Yet--ten, fifteen, twenty years from now, my kids will still remember that mom would get soaked and go splash in mud puddles. This is quality time that I'm spending and it doesn't cost a penny. Have you seen "Singin' In The Rain"? Didn't the scene with Gene Kelly splashing away in the pouring rain make you stop and smile? Why don't more adults do that?

I'm not sure why some grown-ups give up splashing in the rain--we did it when we were kids--but I can guarantee that if you do make the effort to get out there and get wet with your kids, your relationship with them will never be better. It's the little things that count to a kid, and playing in the rain is very simple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Singing in the Rain is my favorite of all time. I can't wait to rent it to show it to my granddaughter.
her biggest complaint all summer has been that her mother won't let her outside to play in the rain.

I go out with her and I used to do that please get out of that puddle. But we read her Winnie the Pooh book that's all about sunny days that turn a moments notice and they all have fun puddle jumping and getting all muddy. It's a shame that as some of us grow up (personally "Ill never grow up") we forget the simple joys and pleasures in life.

like holding a little ones hand while walking down the street, the butterfly kisses just because, the tiny whispered secrets of nothing important to us but they are to them.
Puddles, Rain? Bring it on as one of adopted kids (not literally) says "I ain't scat!"
So go SING, and JUMP in the RAIN
P.S. I also feel that as a grandparent I appreciate those moments a little more now. Not I didn't do them with my children but somehow being a grandparent changes your views in some ways.