Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Have you heard this news story? http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=47958

Okay, so I guess I'm confused. The "Santa" wannabes are tired of commercialism, I agree, but they then turn to violence to get their point across? As the true meaning of spirit is about peace, love and goodwill towards man - can they now explain their actions? I'd love to hear their excuse. Personally, I think they were looking for an excuse to become rowdy and pull off some petty theft so they used the real group "Santarchy" as a front for their juvenile and destructive behavior.

1 comment:

Roundtable Review Staff said...

I went to their website where they have their press release stating that they do not condone what the people in NZ did.

Otherwise, I fully agree. Anyone who knows me knows I think Christmas has gotten way out of hand. Complaints if you say "Christmas" instead of "Holiday", people knocking people down to get closer to the registers. I think it is time for the adults in the world to take a good long look at their behavior. The problem is those who are acting like juveniles won't care.