Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Printer reliability

Can I spend today NOT recommending a printer? Sure, I can and I'm gonna!

Eight months ago, my eight month old Brother MFC3220C printer died. Literally, died. It got the error of death (though at the time I didn't know about this error from death). Basically, I turned on the printer, it beeped ferociously at me and the message on the display says "Unplug your machine and call Brother."

So as the printer was under warranty, I called Brother, they Fed-exed me a reconditioned printer at their cost stating that this error was extremely common and it is that the printhead has jammed. So after it happened, I did a little research of my own and found that thousands of owners have run into the same issue.

So eight months have passed and guess what! I just turned on my printer and again there is the kiss of death message. Only this time, it is no longer under warranty as the replacement printer is only covered for 3 months. So I have to buy a new printer. I'm not happy, nor will I ever buy a Brother product again.

My issue. If THOUSANDS have encountered this jamming printhead, then why hasn't Brother recalled the printer and created a more reliable product???

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