Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Holiday Shopping

My favorite time of year - NOT - is upon us. This past weekend, I went out and got as much Christmas shopping done as I possibly could, the rest I'm going to do online.

Even now, the stores were horrific. We're talking people so frantic to get a deal that they are willing to mow children down with their carts. I am certain this is why I hate the holidays. People forget all about being neighborly and go out of their way to be first at everything.

So this blog entry is dedicated to the woman who hit my daughter with her cart and then proceeded to look at me like it was my fault that my daughter got in her way. Jess and I were alone in the toy aisle, there was room to go around her, instead you pushed your cart into her to make her move. I watched you, where you were going became an important quest for me. You were in a huge rush to get to the section where they had the boxed set of Disney books and CD's on sale. I proceeded to follow you --there is the potential for stalking there, but I had something else in mind after watching how you shopped, you were one of the push it aside and come back for it shoppers-- you set aside the collection of Chicken Little books, it was the only one, and then you proceeded to look for others. I reached over and snatched up that box of Chicken Little Board books, before you could react. I tossed it into my cart and walked away while you were yelling you'd planned to buy it. The devious side of me could have cared less what box set I picked out for my neighbor's little girl, but because you'd hurt my daughter, I felt an urge to be evil. Maybe two wrongs don't make a right, but this time I'd had enough.

A little tip to others - if you are contemplating buying something, put it in your cart while you decide. Usually, and I'll say usually because I have had people snatch something out of my cart while my back is turned, if it is in a cart, the item is then off limits to others.

Meanwhile, enjoy your holiday shopping this year. All I can say is that I'm glad I'm done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yet another reason why I hate holidays ... I'm sorry about your daughter. People can be vicious when they act selfishly. Is this the spirit of Christmas?