Monday, November 28, 2005

Food for thought

Before I continue, let me state that a convicted child molester did move down the road from me about 10 years ago. As soon as word got out, via the school, I was outraged that a sicko of this nature was out and living in a family neighborhood. Nothing has changed, I still think it is absurb.

So with this, I sat down and watched Kevin Bacon's THE WOODSMAN last night. If you've never heard of the movie, Kevin Bacon is a man convicted for molesting two young girls, he's served a 12 year sentence and now he's back on the streets fighting the odds. He doesn't want to be one of those offenders who commits the same crime. Okay, so I'm finding his character admirable, but I have no faith in him.

What bothers me - Kevin moves into an apartment across the street from an elementary school. Enter one of those WHAT WERE THEY THINKING moments. That's like putting a plate of chocolates in front of a chocoholic and telling them not to touch. Yes, so maybe his character has gone through, no is still going through therapy, but to place him across the street from a school. That's insane, yet I also know it happens - hence the child molester who moved down the road from me a decade ago. (And in this case, he molested again, so he's back in jail. Unfortunately, the school didn't get the warning out in time. In their defense, I'm sure they didn't know. The laws protected the criminal back then.)

So anyway, there is an interesting twist. Kevin knows the tricks a molester uses. He watches the behavior of a man who parks in front of school every day and Kevin knows it means trouble. I did appreciate that. It made me like Kevin's character--almost.

In the end, I can't tell you what happens. It is a little corny, but possibly realistic. It's not a bad movie and I can say it was an interesting role for Kevin Bacon to have taken on. I've always found him to be a little creepy - now I find him even creepier, but that's not a bad thing. :-)

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