Sunday, October 28, 2007

Parenting Advice: A Book To Avoid

It's not even out yet, but I shuddered when I read that Britney Spears mom was penning a book that is touted to offer parenting advice. I'm not sure which aspect of her so-called "parenting" skills scares me more... the use your child to make you lots of money or the I didn't fit in as a cheerleader, so my girls are damn well doing it for me.

I haven't even seen a copy of this book, nor do I want to. Here's my own parenting advice and this comes from someone with two normal children! DO NOT take anything this woman says as decent parenting. If she was a great mom, she would have stepped in and helped out Britney long before now. She's always struck me as a media/drama queen and now with her book on the way and Britney and Jamie not earning enough money for her liking, she's going to ride Britney's coat tails and pull in some of her own money. Run far, far away!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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