Tuesday, September 27, 2005


It's time for us to pay our property taxes again... I dread this upcoming event - handing over $2300 in property & school taxes seems insane to me for the size of our house and school system.

Anyway, this led a few of us into a conversation recently on taxes. So I am posing my questions to everyone out there to see if anyone knows the answers.

1. Why do you have to declare your state tax refund (refunded money because you OVERPAID your taxes in the first place) to the IRS? Isn't that double taxation? Isn't that partly why we rebelled against the English centuries ago?

2. I just bought my new car last fall for $17000, but I talked them down to $12,000 because it was Fall and they wanted the 2004 models off the lot. So then I paid sales tax on the entire $17000. My question is since I've now paid sales tax on that car, why will the state make anyone who buys it in the future pay sales tax on it again? Again, the whole double taxation comes to mind. In Vermont, if you buy a used car, you must pay sales tax on it when you register and sales tax is based on the Blue book value of the car, not what you paid for it. So if you buy a car for $3000 used and the book value is $5000, kiss 6% of the $5000 value goodbye. Now if you paid $6000 for the car valued at $5000, the state will take the tax based on that $6000 value.

1 comment:

Pam Rosenthal said...

Tracy, I agree with you about number 1 -- have never gotten that one.

But re taxes in general -- I have to mention that our property taxes are incredibly low in California, and our schools show it! We're number 48 or something for what we pay per kid in school. When my son was taking high school biology, they couldn't afford worms for the kids to dissect. So, there ARE worse things than property taxes.
