Sunday, September 11, 2005

Demise of a city...

Growing up, I used to LOVE taking trips over the lake to Plattsburgh over in New York. The city had a military base and two malls which made it a treat in my teen years--the change of pace was refreshing, and taking the ferry it really wasn't a long trip at all - especially for a car load of teens.

It has been four years since my last trip to Plattsburgh. After the base shut down, the town started faltering. One mall closed down and the other seems to struggle. The weather was gorgeous yesterday, so my husband and I thought the kids might enjoy a trip on the ferry. I'm saddened to see that nothing has improved over there. I'll say I did enjoy the Super Walmart. Vermont keeps shooting one down here, but I've never seen a 10 lb bag of potatoes for under $2 in any of my local grocery stores.

What bothers me is that lack of change. Hooters shut down years ago, and the mall still has failed to bring in a new restaurant in the mall. The food court has lost three eateries since our last visit. Ames still sits empty. It's almost as if everyone has given up on even trying -- though I know the current mayor is struggling to revitalize the city. I'd like to think something will change, but after four years and still no improvement, I'm doubting it will happen.

When Ames shut down in Vermont - Kohls was quick to snatch up the space. In St. Albans - Ames turned into a TJ Maxx and the more useless Peebles. Those spaces filled rather quickly. I'd have thought the same would happen just over the lake, but it hasn't.

I hope years from now that I return to Plattsburgh and find major improvements, but some how I just don't see it happening...

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