Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Please explain...

I'm finding myself baffled over the missing kids in Idaho. First, my thoughts and prayers are with the family. I hope that you have your answers over the remains and the little boy's whereabouts very soon.

But I need to know - WHY on earth was this guy released? Whether he did it or not (I'll keep my opinion to myself though we all know what my opinion is) he NEVER should have been released after molesting the six-year-0ld. The fact that he was out walking the streets and potentially able to grab more children is disturbing.

We have people sitting in jail for possession of marijuana. Free them - stick the real sickos in the prisons where they belong. I'm also not afraid to say that I think a molester/rapist's crime should be tattooed to a visible part of their body. Forget all this "they have rights" stuff. They forfeit their rights the second they commit a crime against another person.

I remember a number of years ago. The school sent home a note to all parents warning us that a sex offender had been placed up the road from us. He was about 1/2 mile from my house. Of course, it was too late. He'd already gotten wind and grabbed and molested a girl. He's back in jail now - THANKFULLY. But that little girl's life will never be the same. He never should have been placed in a family neighborhood, so why he was allowed to do so has always baffled me.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

I think the laws have to change so that child molestation becomes a crime that has long-term mandatory prison terms with no early parole. It seems that this is something that is not addressed until high profile cases appear, we all shake our heads and then it is forgotten until the next tragedy.