Friday, July 08, 2005

Is it fair?

I was reading the latest book by Linda Howard. I adore her books and always have for the most part. After reading the front flap, I was expecting another romantic suspense with a touch of paranormal. Something I looked forward to reading!

Then I started and the book grabbed me instantly in the prologue. When you meet the heroine, you learn that she is actually from centuries ahead and has jettisoned back in time to find a killer. I'm not a big sci-fi fan, but then so far the book seemed to be focusing more on the time travel aspect, so I was still okay. And then all of the technical details came into play. Her "weaponry" and gadgets, the time travel details, differences between her current world and our current world. That's when I started to lose interest, though because it was a review, I did read it to the end.

But after all that, it makes me wonder just how fair we are to authors--expecting the same genre time and time again? It has to get tedious sticking to the same genre time and time again. So I can't blame Linda Howard for trying something different, I do wish the front flap had said a time travel/sci-fi romance over saying it was a paranormal, but Ms. Howard doesn't write the flap description. Had it been marketed more accurately, I could have handed it off to a reviewer who enjoys sci-fi and I have a feeling the review would have been different.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

I agree with you and have been surprised occasionally by books that have not indicated what they really were i.e. time travel, science fiction, etc. It's irritating to spend money on a book that is not what you thought.