Friday, July 22, 2005

Pet Peeve

I recently went into our Sears to do the kids' school shopping. I had a great coupon - 25% off the entire purchase. But it was a three day only for card holders, so I went last night to get the best selection.

Along the way, my husband say a miter saw that he's wanted forever. A Delta was on the rack for $70 on sale and I had another coupon for another 15% off. I'd just gotten a paycheck, so I was going to surprise him and spend that money on him and put off getting the kids new sneakers for now - I still have a month for that and last years sneakers still fit them for now.

So the salesclerk came up to me and asked if I needed help. So I told him what I wanted... he actually refused to sell it to me. Said it was horrible quality and he didn't feel right selling anything other than the Craftsman brand which was double the price. As the only clerk in his department, I ended up walking out. I could have taken it up with the manager, but the point is if you SELL that brand, there is no reason to refuse to sell it. I did a little research on the brand he refused to sell me, and it gets good ratings, so it comes down to he wanted the bigger commission.

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