Saturday, July 09, 2005

Fair's fair?

I stayed up later (late for me anyway) last night to watch this news show about Shasta & Dylan Groene and their kidnapping and murder of their family and possibly Dylan. The kidnapper, Duncan, may have been responsible for another disappearance a couple of years ago -- but that's up in the air right now -- until police can find more evidence than just comments made on his weblog.

The entire situation still bothers me. Duncan had been arrested for molesting a six year old and then jumped bail. Why wasn't he jailed the entire time? I do understand they were actively searching for him, but that's not good enough. IMO, a sex offender shouldn't be given a second chance. Very rarely have I ever heard of counseling actually curing them.

In Vermont, and I'm assuming other states are the same. If someone comes to my house and then gets behind the wheel intoxicated...I, as the homeowner, can then be held responsible for any crashes that person may have.

So in a case like this - can't the judge and/or defense attorney be held responsible for allowing a monster to walk the streets knowing that he or she has commited a sexual crime against a child?

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