Wednesday, April 19, 2006

News from around my area...

So, I've been told I can be a pretty amazing gossip. Maybe it's all the chick lit I read. :-)

Anyway, so today is going to be gossip day. Ready? (Remember that these are my observations so maybe I'm missing something more to the story--maybe...)

1. Action heated up on Saturday night in my back yard when I watched a local 14 year old sneak off with his 21-year-old "They're really only friends" girlfriend. Sure... and I'm a virgin who happens to have two kids through childbirth. Only friends.... At midnight when a 21 year old pulls off on the side of a nearby road and waits for her 14 year old "friend" to sneak out of the house, you know there is much more going on than friendship. There is a whole other term for that kind of buddy. I'm not sure what disturbs me more (not that it really is any of my business and I do know that) that this 21 year old female is interested in a 14 year old boy whose mental age is probably 10 tops or that the mother seems so blind to it. I'd be throwing down statutory rape charges so fast it would make her head spin!

2. So a rare frog has been found in the area where Walmart has been trying to build a store for 15 years now. Funny how this "rare frog" was seen recently and comes from Africa orginally. Five bucks says that hippie environmental firm from MA who wants Vermont to be Walmart free planted it there. Why does an organization out of Massachussets who doesn't pay VT taxes get a say anyway?

3. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes had their baby. Anyone know if she screamed during birth? I really hope she did! If not, hopefully she embedded her foot up his behind and then told him to expel it without making any noise.

Anyway... it's sunny outside and I want to be out in it. So I'm off for now, but I plan to share more gossip soon.

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