Thursday, February 23, 2006

Reality TV

Okay, there is very little I watch with Reality TV. I think the majority of it is inane and a serious waste of money. With that said, I do watch American Idol. Mainly because I cannot believe that people who obviously are tone deaf continue to go in front of a camera and then get upset when they are told that they really need to give it up.

Now the show is down to the final 24. I still feel a few of them NEVER should have made it in. Some, however, are very talented. I'm kind of rooting for Ayla, because she is the closest to a hometown hero that I'll get. Though I don't think she'll win, but who knows!

Anyway, as we watched last night, I began to question Randy and Paula's judgment. They ridicule Simon, and I realize that's where the money lies with reality TV, but most of the time Simon was right on track. Some of the guys picked HORRIBLE songs. That version of Queen's Crazy Little Thing Called Love was ridiculous. He couldn't have tried harder and that's what was wrong - you could tell how hard he forced it to turn it into a stage production over just getting out there and wowing me with a song.

As much as I don't want to route for the Doughtry guy, he reminds me of someone I'm not fond of, he's the best of the bunch. Ace has it for looks though.

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