Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It's weird you know?

I just learned that a former classmate of mine had a heart attack and died. We're talking former jock, but the jock that wouldn't shun the others. He was friendly, talkative, and didn't follow class divides. To hear he died at the age of 35 is kind of shocking... a widow, two young kids... Somehow, it just doesn't seem right.

At the same time, I'm watching the news and discussions of a convicted child molester whose been released from prison, booted out of the state because no neighborhood wanted him living among children, and then he flees his current halfway house to return to the area that has booted him... It makes me really wonder why scum can walk the earth and decent people move on...

I know this is one of those theoretical issues - but I still don't see it making sense. I graduated - Class of '88 from a Vermont high school. Of my classmates, one died in a boating accident, another was murdered, another committed suicide, two had heart attacks, one sits in jail for molesting female prisoners (that one still creeps me out, cause I was friends with him). We have the wife beaters, I'm sure there are some abusive females among them... one walked out on her child and never returned... I know of noted drug users and dealers now living the life of the local rich and famous, we have the lazy jerks who took the basic/easy courses to guarantee themselves straight A's. Thank God the principal called him on that and revoked his right to be valedictorian! Somedays it just really seems surreal. I hear local teenagers saying how easy we had it back then... I'm not sure I agree. It is different now, sure, but easy... I'll never agree to that.

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