Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Good for you?

Jumping away from the subject of books for a little, I recently received a product sample from Fiber One (the cereal.) I won't be eating it and have to say I'm a little upset with their "new and improved" product. The changes they've made are pointless. If you use their product and are not the type to read ingredient lists - BE WARNED.

Fiber One is supposed to be full of fiber. We all know that fiber is great for the body, but how about all the preservatives they are now adding? Here's the ingredient list.

*Whole Grain Wheat
*Corn Bran
*Calcium Carbonate
*Guar Gum
*Food coloring
*Cellulose Gum
*Baking Soda
*Corn Oil
*Vitamin C
*Vitamin B6
*Vitamin B2
*Vitamin B1
*Folic Acid
*Vitamin B12
*Vitamin E (for preservative quality)

I've dealt with anxiety for years and I've discovered that artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, saccharin) worsen it. I avoid these sweeteners like the plague, so I was disheartened to learn they are adding the artificial sweetener to teh cereal. I also don't understand the addition of food coloring, it really isn't necessary.

The vitamins are okay, but if you already take a vitamin supplement, you wind up taking too much iron - a 1/2 cup serving offers 25% of your daily requirement. So if you are adding iron supplements on top of it, you could end up doing more harm than good.

Shame on Fiber One for changing their formula! I won't be eating this sample and will no longer be buying it in the store either.

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