Monday, February 11, 2008

Seventeen Magazine

My daughter is not yet a teenager, but she's starting to reach that point where clothing yens are more teen than child, body sprays are growing in popularity and lip glosses are criticial to her daily routine. When her brother had to sell magazines for a class fundraiser, she spent some of her own money to get a subscription to SEVENTEEN.

I remember reading SEVENTEEN when I was a teenager. A lot has changed. First, the magazine gives away more goodies than I would ever imagine. In fact, a shopping excursion this weekend that was meant to be my assignment for a national magazine turned into a deal packed adventure!

Two issues of SEVENTEEN have come through my house now. With the February issue, the magazine had a coupon stating that if you brought the coupon and cover of that issue into any JC Penney store, you would receive a free pair of Flirtacious undies if you used the couppon between Jan and February. Sure enough, with coupon in hand, my daughter found a color she loved, brought her coupon and magazine cover to the service counter and received the underwear for free. Priced at $7.50 per pair, she had already earned back half of what she paid for the magazine.

Next stop was with the March issue which promised a free PacSun Nollie T-shirt if the coupon was used between February 5th and the end of March. We walked in and there was a table covered in different colors all priced at $14.50. She found the t-shirt of her dreams and again the coupon worked wonderfully and she received her t-shirt for free. With just these two items, the cost of her magazine has been completely covered.

She's psyched and I'm impressed. With 10 more issues to go, I can't wait to see what freebies are offered next!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Harlequin Book Challenge

Last year Harlequin readers read an astounding 24,440 books for the 10,000 Book Challenge. This year Harlequin is hoping to donate up to 100,000 books, with an estimated retail value of $700,000U.S., to fight illiteracy amongst the nation's most disadvantaged children and parents.

Harlequin is asking participants to make half their titles Harlequin and half their titles any publisher and genre. Any and all formats—print, eBooks, audiobooks, etc.—are acceptable. Challenge participants are also invited to share their progress, opinions, and reviews on the eHarlequin site, or even their own blogs.

We encourage you and your readers to participate in the challenge and help meet its goals and fight illiteracy. The 2008 Harlequin 100,000 Book Challenge is taking place right now and continues through 2008.

Join the Book Challenge!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Good for you?

Jumping away from the subject of books for a little, I recently received a product sample from Fiber One (the cereal.) I won't be eating it and have to say I'm a little upset with their "new and improved" product. The changes they've made are pointless. If you use their product and are not the type to read ingredient lists - BE WARNED.

Fiber One is supposed to be full of fiber. We all know that fiber is great for the body, but how about all the preservatives they are now adding? Here's the ingredient list.

*Whole Grain Wheat
*Corn Bran
*Calcium Carbonate
*Guar Gum
*Food coloring
*Cellulose Gum
*Baking Soda
*Corn Oil
*Vitamin C
*Vitamin B6
*Vitamin B2
*Vitamin B1
*Folic Acid
*Vitamin B12
*Vitamin E (for preservative quality)

I've dealt with anxiety for years and I've discovered that artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, saccharin) worsen it. I avoid these sweeteners like the plague, so I was disheartened to learn they are adding the artificial sweetener to teh cereal. I also don't understand the addition of food coloring, it really isn't necessary.

The vitamins are okay, but if you already take a vitamin supplement, you wind up taking too much iron - a 1/2 cup serving offers 25% of your daily requirement. So if you are adding iron supplements on top of it, you could end up doing more harm than good.

Shame on Fiber One for changing their formula! I won't be eating this sample and will no longer be buying it in the store either.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

GIL Publications Press Release


GIL Publications celebrates its Fifth Anniversary with new publishing service,
website and newsletter for Christian Authors.

Akili Kumasi, GIL Publications
(718) 386-6434

In celebration of five years in Christian Publishing, GIL Publications is launching
a new author publishing service, website and newsletter for aspiring Christian

January 28, 2008 - NEW YORK CITY - GIL Publications is announcing the launch of
their new author publishing service, website and newsletter for Christian authors will begin operation on February 1, 2008. This low-cost
service will make it easy for Christian authors to publish their books.

GIL Publications' new Christian Author Publishing Service is uniquely distinct from
others publishers in the industry as it was designed by a Christian author for
other Christian authors. Their motto: "Give us your manuscript - and we will give
you fifty books." GIL Publications actually supplies authors with 50 books. This
is in addition to the manuscript preparation service, ISBN, copyright, library
catalog number, book layout, cover design and marketing services.

The goal of this GIL Publications website is to "help authors write, publish and
sell their Christian books." will feature helpful
articles, pricing information, books for aspiring Christian authors and a
newsletter to be archived on the site. Well-known personalities in the publishing
industry are being scheduled to contribute articles for the site.

The newsletter, PublishChrist will feature reviews of helpful websites for authors,
book reviews, articles and other industry helpful information.

GIL Publications is the creator and publisher of the popular Bible Word Search book
series that features word search puzzles made from accompanying scriptures.

For more information about GIL Publications or send an e-
mail to or call (718) 386-6434.

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