Friday, December 02, 2005

Virus Emails

Okay, after receiving a couple of virus laden emails yesterday that McAfee happily caught and destroyed before it ever even reached me, I am left with a question. No, make that two questions.

First, why would a virus sender think that titling the subject "Warning this is the FBI, you've been entering illegal websites" will actually work. I saw that subject and laughed hysterically. Like the FBI is really going to make online arrests now???????

Second, obviously the fact that this virus is still spreading - well it makes me wonder who in their right mind would then open something that is so stupid?

I can guarantee you - no matter the crime - the authorities are not going to give you a warning online. They'll show up at your door unannounced, armed with a warrant. I can just see the next virus now -

Subject: This is the police. You're wanted for questioning in a murder. Please send in this quick survey and we'll be around later to arrest you...


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