Friday, May 27, 2005

Yesterday's adventure

I did get my tattoo yesterday. I'd already chosen and tweaked a Celtic symbol that signifies the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. I liked it because of the three intertwining figures, but I wanted to make it more personal to me. So the square was done in purple for my birthstone, one of the two ovals in sapphire for my daughter and then my husband and son share a green stone, so green was used for the final oval.

I find the process amazing. This tiny needle runs at an insanely fast pace. It did hurt over the anklebone, won't I lie there, but it wasn't a pain that couldn't be managed. In the other areas, it didn't bother me. And even then, the pain is more of a quick pinching sensation than that of getting a shot.

I'm happy I did it!

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