Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Hell's Kitchen

I'm not a huge fan of reality shows, but I am a fan of Gordon Ramsay, so I had to watch last night's new show. I know there are those who find Ramsay crude and unbearable, but he strives for perfection. In the restaurant business, as customers, we expect a fluid kitchen. I'm sure I'd tend to agree that cooking, managing new staff, especially inexperienced staff, and dealing with imbeciles who supposedly are experienced can be very emotional work. So I'm not surprised he blew up a lot last night.

I'm not convinced I could handle a restaurant myself; I wouldn't put myself in that position. However, the "contestants" on this show had to have had an idea of what would be expected of them. The woman that got booted, I'm surprised she was so shocked. The kitchen was struggling--and I mean struggling--and she was sat back there toying with desserts. Isn't it common knowledge that to get to dessert, the actual meals have to go out. After an hour of entrees being prepared and prepared again, you'd think she would have been on the ball and realizing that she should help out the slower "cooks" and then go back to her own.

I think Hell's Kitchen is going to make for some pretty gritty television, and I can't wait to see who makes it to the end. I have my suspicions already, but only time will tell.

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