Friday, December 07, 2007

Real vs. Fake: The Christmas Tree Debate

Three years ago, I got sick of trekking through snow to find a Christmas tree (I've always been a stickler for cutting our own to get the freshest tree possible). Given the fact that we are usually in and out throughout the holiday season, I just no longer saw the point in having a real tree taking up space in a small home. My children are older now, a 'tween and a teen, and they didn't seem at all interested in decorating a tree anymore. For this reason, my daughter and I went out and found a smaller fiber optic tree that is already decorated, looks pretty real, and takes up much less space than a real tree. The only downfall is that you lose the scent of pine, but I can buy candles for that purpose.

Then I came across a test in the local paper titled "How Green Are You?" Apparently, owning a fake tree is a sin to those preaching going green. They claim it is best to cut a tree every year. I still don't understand that mentality. Yes at some point, this fake tree will probably due out and need replacing, but by that time that happens, they may have come up with a way to recycle the nylon/plastic fibers that make up the tree. I've seen experiments that show a plant reacts to pain, and I find it equally heartless to cut a tree down before it has had a chance to fully grow up and live its natural life cycle.

I recycle everything I can and a recent change in practices here have made it possible for me to recycle every form of plastic found. So owning a fake tree, in my opinion, really doesn't make me a horrible, non-green person. Better yet, I'd love to see what the reporter who came up with the quiz drives. I'm going to bet that it isn't as efficient as my cars that get over 30mpg.

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