Friday, September 14, 2007

Guilty Pleasure Books

I've been a book addict for years, but there are some books that I own that people, particularly my husband, ask why on earth I need so many--I'm taking cookbooks.

I love cookbooks and have hundreds of them tucked away, yet I really only regularly rely on about two dozen of them for ideas. Why collect so many? I am among the few who will sit down and read a cookbook from cover to cover to learn new tips, come up with new recipe ideas, and always view the pictures. I think pictures are the key to a successful cookbook.

My friend was asking if she could come look through my collection and take away a few of my least used books because her cookbook shelf is empty. I am always willing to share. My thing is that there are certain books I will not part with, and sadly two of them are done by a company with whom I don't agree--Marlboro cigarettes.

Marlboro rewards smokers with freebies from time to time. A decade or so ago, they came out with a series of cookbooks that are the best cookbooks I own. Like it or not for cowboy style cooking Marlboro's cookbooks are what you need.

The recipes in these cookbooks are not all healthy options, though some are, but it does offer excellent recipes for comfort food at its best. It doesn't matter who you are, comfort food is sometimes needed! One of the greatest recipes in this book is the recipe for a sourdough starter. I keep a batch of this starter on hand regularly now and have made incredible rolls, breads, and even pancakes from it. My son swears the country fried steak recipe is the only recipe to use. I find their chili recipes to be fabulous.

With the recipes are loads of pictures, handy tips, and even a glimpse at times on the cattle trail - a life that cowboys have lived and still live today. These cookbooks are definitely my keepers and the ones I will not hand over to anyone!

1 comment:

Dixie said...

For those that enjoy a really good Cook Book there is a new one named Military Wives Cook Book that features over 1,000 color pictures, food quotes, stories and food facts unlike ALL others. See open the book page and enjoy.