Thursday, March 29, 2007
American Idol/Sanjaya #2
Never mind, I was just reading that Howard Stern has been on a quest to prove that he can control who wins American Idol. He's been urging his listeners to vote for the worst contestant. Given that, we all know that Sanjaya is guaranteed to win. May as well stop watching now.
American Idol
Okay, I'm not a big fan of reality shows over all, but I do watch American Idol. Like many viewers, I'm left wondering exactly what these teeny-boppers see in Sanjaya.
American Idol is supposed to be about TALENT not looks, yet week after week the rather lame Sanjaya whose performances strike me as very bland, makes it another round. His faux-hawk was just as weak as his performance, and I have a feeling that hair-do helped him stay out of the bottom three.
I guess what I don't understand. Sanjaya seems to be a decent, slightly shy kid. He has to know he's not as good as the rest of the competition. By now he knows he is the laughing stock and that he's even pushed one woman (slightly deranged albeit) to go on a hunger strike until he's booted out. In fact, he's even pushed Simon to serious consideration of not returning for another season. With all of this in mind, how can he not resign? Apart from some ten-year-olds, and what 17 year old wants to be the object of a 10 year old's devotion, and his family and friends, he's not getting support from the rest of us. In fact, I know quite a few people who loathe him.
After last night, I had to wonder. Is it really the 10 year old crowd that is pushing him through? Perhaps, those who have hated Idol and all it stands for are voting for the weakest link to show just how ludicrous the show has become...
Ratings are down over last year - I don't find that surprising. Even I am sick of it. Tony Bennett is next week, I think I won't mind skipping it at all.
American Idol is supposed to be about TALENT not looks, yet week after week the rather lame Sanjaya whose performances strike me as very bland, makes it another round. His faux-hawk was just as weak as his performance, and I have a feeling that hair-do helped him stay out of the bottom three.
I guess what I don't understand. Sanjaya seems to be a decent, slightly shy kid. He has to know he's not as good as the rest of the competition. By now he knows he is the laughing stock and that he's even pushed one woman (slightly deranged albeit) to go on a hunger strike until he's booted out. In fact, he's even pushed Simon to serious consideration of not returning for another season. With all of this in mind, how can he not resign? Apart from some ten-year-olds, and what 17 year old wants to be the object of a 10 year old's devotion, and his family and friends, he's not getting support from the rest of us. In fact, I know quite a few people who loathe him.
After last night, I had to wonder. Is it really the 10 year old crowd that is pushing him through? Perhaps, those who have hated Idol and all it stands for are voting for the weakest link to show just how ludicrous the show has become...
Ratings are down over last year - I don't find that surprising. Even I am sick of it. Tony Bennett is next week, I think I won't mind skipping it at all.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
How It Should Be Vs. How It Is
American Idol - Sanjaya. I realize he'll win because of his amazingly large population of fans. He just doesn't have the talent in my opinion. With training perhaps, but he has no stage presence and his vocals are far too weak and timid. His hair, I don't even want to go there. When he told Simon he was just jealous - trust me Simon had nothing to be jealous over. The hair was ridiculous!
Television in general. It was a dreary, rainy day yesterday so I watched some television in the afternoon while waiting for my daughter's bus. Here there is a rule that a child is not dropped off unless the parent is visible. Flipping channels, I came across The Real Housewives of Orange County - WHY are people paying these women to act ridiculous? Then one of my top billed "Shows that have no place on television" I Love New York. WHY are these men fighting to get to be with her? I've yet to understood that. She's loud, brass, obnoxious, and sorry but just not that attractive at all. I can't imagine why they stay and put up with her. I'd like to see the tides of TV turn and get away from reality TV and focus on something better that doesn't make my mind melt after thirty seconds. Too many people are now making money for ludicrous reasons.
My daughter came home and told us she had to do a report for her music class (4th grade) and had chosen Ray Charles. First, I'm impressed by her choice. Second, I'm happy to say that we've listened to lots of Ray Charles in the past week and she's really enjoying most of it. I wish more schools could offer music classes and take this approach to showing kids that there is a lot more out there. Sadly, I also know that many schools have given up their music classes to keep budgets down. If teachers would stop asking for dramatic pay raises in some areas. (Speaking from experience, my son's 2nd grade teacher was making $50,000 five years ago, she's now up to $62,000. She's not a great teacher and often made him feel very inadequate, despite the fact that he has never received less than an A- in any class.)
Speaking of teachers, I got another letter from my children's school. My son has just missed his fifth day of school this school year due to illness. The school still wants to keep student absences under three per school year. I tore up the letter and have this to say:
1. If students can't miss more than three days, why has my son's science teacher, the brainchild behind the attendance committee, already been out 10 times this year. I'm keeping tabs this year and so far he is definitely slacking!
2. How about you disinfect the school!! In my daughter's class, we were just talking to her teacher. There are 17 children in her class. One now has viral pneumonia, 10 have had strep, all 17 wound up with the stomach bug back in February, 10 had this weird high fever and lack of energy. If the kids are bringing it home to their siblings and friends, you cannot possibly expect other kids to remain healthy.
What I'm sick of is the school's attendance committee's decision that children who miss more than three days per year will fall behind in their classwork. I'm certain that is true for some. Pushing kids to attend school when they are sick is absurd. My own son is a straight A student, has been since kindergarten, and always completes any work that he misses. Until this changes, stop wasting my tax paying money and stick to focusing on the kids who truly are delinquent.
Television in general. It was a dreary, rainy day yesterday so I watched some television in the afternoon while waiting for my daughter's bus. Here there is a rule that a child is not dropped off unless the parent is visible. Flipping channels, I came across The Real Housewives of Orange County - WHY are people paying these women to act ridiculous? Then one of my top billed "Shows that have no place on television" I Love New York. WHY are these men fighting to get to be with her? I've yet to understood that. She's loud, brass, obnoxious, and sorry but just not that attractive at all. I can't imagine why they stay and put up with her. I'd like to see the tides of TV turn and get away from reality TV and focus on something better that doesn't make my mind melt after thirty seconds. Too many people are now making money for ludicrous reasons.
My daughter came home and told us she had to do a report for her music class (4th grade) and had chosen Ray Charles. First, I'm impressed by her choice. Second, I'm happy to say that we've listened to lots of Ray Charles in the past week and she's really enjoying most of it. I wish more schools could offer music classes and take this approach to showing kids that there is a lot more out there. Sadly, I also know that many schools have given up their music classes to keep budgets down. If teachers would stop asking for dramatic pay raises in some areas. (Speaking from experience, my son's 2nd grade teacher was making $50,000 five years ago, she's now up to $62,000. She's not a great teacher and often made him feel very inadequate, despite the fact that he has never received less than an A- in any class.)
Speaking of teachers, I got another letter from my children's school. My son has just missed his fifth day of school this school year due to illness. The school still wants to keep student absences under three per school year. I tore up the letter and have this to say:
1. If students can't miss more than three days, why has my son's science teacher, the brainchild behind the attendance committee, already been out 10 times this year. I'm keeping tabs this year and so far he is definitely slacking!
2. How about you disinfect the school!! In my daughter's class, we were just talking to her teacher. There are 17 children in her class. One now has viral pneumonia, 10 have had strep, all 17 wound up with the stomach bug back in February, 10 had this weird high fever and lack of energy. If the kids are bringing it home to their siblings and friends, you cannot possibly expect other kids to remain healthy.
What I'm sick of is the school's attendance committee's decision that children who miss more than three days per year will fall behind in their classwork. I'm certain that is true for some. Pushing kids to attend school when they are sick is absurd. My own son is a straight A student, has been since kindergarten, and always completes any work that he misses. Until this changes, stop wasting my tax paying money and stick to focusing on the kids who truly are delinquent.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
So, Anna Nicole Smith
For years, I have been telling my husband that Anna Nicole Smith needed serious help. I was saddened when she passed on, but I can't honestly say I was surprised. Every appearance she'd made, her speech was always slurred and she looked lousy.
Yesterday, the results on her autopsy came in. Three different antidepressants, Human Growth Hormones, sleeping pills, and pain killers. They've deemed her death accidental. I'm sure it appears that way. However, I don't get one thing. The people around her - her assistants, her supposed husband, how could they stand by and watch her pop all these pills. To me this is the real tragedy. The woman was grieving the death of her son, she was understandably despondent, and probably postpartum depression was kicking in as well. Perhaps she was in counseling, but she needed to be kept in-house and not just handed pills. She needed serious rehab.
Who was her doctor that happily prescribed her all of these different pills? I know the sleeping pill came from her friend and psychiatrist- the woman's license needs to be carefully examined in my opinion. How could those around her sit and let her take all these pills? Pills are NOT a solution!! To me that is the real tragedy. While they didn't actually kill her, from what I see they sure didn't lift a finger to help her out either. She should have been placed in a mental hospital a long time ago and taught to be independent and weened from all pills.
Yesterday, the results on her autopsy came in. Three different antidepressants, Human Growth Hormones, sleeping pills, and pain killers. They've deemed her death accidental. I'm sure it appears that way. However, I don't get one thing. The people around her - her assistants, her supposed husband, how could they stand by and watch her pop all these pills. To me this is the real tragedy. The woman was grieving the death of her son, she was understandably despondent, and probably postpartum depression was kicking in as well. Perhaps she was in counseling, but she needed to be kept in-house and not just handed pills. She needed serious rehab.
Who was her doctor that happily prescribed her all of these different pills? I know the sleeping pill came from her friend and psychiatrist- the woman's license needs to be carefully examined in my opinion. How could those around her sit and let her take all these pills? Pills are NOT a solution!! To me that is the real tragedy. While they didn't actually kill her, from what I see they sure didn't lift a finger to help her out either. She should have been placed in a mental hospital a long time ago and taught to be independent and weened from all pills.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Per Yesterday's Post
Yesterday, my "American Idol" post ticked a few people off. I went back in and edited it, deleted every post, and then planned to come in today and restate exactly how I (emphasis on I) feel. Those who wish to respond in a civil manner certainly may, otherwise expect your post to get dumped.
For all of the Taylor Hicks fanatics. I didn't mind him last year. He reminded me of a young Michael McDonald at times. For the record, I do have his album and I think it sucks. And I did see a news story - tabloid or not, I can't exactly remember who had posted it so I can't cite my reference as some have demanded - that said he was disappointed that his fans had suddenly become absent in terms of record sales. He may be the greatest guy in the world, but I can also truly believe he would wonder where all of his fans were when his record failed to sell extremely well.
Kelly Clarkson fanatics (funny how there were about a dozen of Kelly's #1 fans who posted, I'm afraid you cannot have multiple #1 fans, and I would be her immediate family get to truly claim that title) - I did happen to see her in the Reba M. tribute and yes she was great there, she and Martina worked well together. I'm also sure she really got to practice. I saw her aired live before a Nascar concert a few weeks ago and she was horrible. Again, maybe it was an off day, but based on that one live show I wouldn't pay money to see her.
Let's see. Clay Aiken - he has a few fans too, but I still don't like him. That's my opinion and telling me that I have to see his concerts before I judge him. I think not. I have better things to do with my money. I heard all I wanted on American Idol.
Kellie Pickler - again, still don't like her and all the fans in the world won't convince me to change my mind.
For those who then wondered exactly where my music tastes do stand. They vary. I would far prefer to spend my money on people like Jonny Lang or Shannon Curfman who can play guitar better than some "pros" and never seem to break out into the limelight. I expect Stevie Ray Vaughn quality from my musicians. I want to hear a voice and not have to name fifteen others before getting the right artist. Louis Armstrong, you'll identify his voice every time. The same is true of Maria McKee, Stevie Nicks, Jackson Browne, Eric Clapton, etc. There are other bands that sound so much alike that they've become boring to me. Many of the Idol "stars" follow down that sound-alike, boring path.
That's one of my things. For an artist to have true talent, let's see these American Idols pick up an instrument, write their own music, and have America judge those songs. It worked extremely well for Chris Young - he took the Nashville Star win. Though I'm not fond of his style of country, I hate twang, he wrote a song, performed it, and won the competition. To me, that is true talent.
For all of the Taylor Hicks fanatics. I didn't mind him last year. He reminded me of a young Michael McDonald at times. For the record, I do have his album and I think it sucks. And I did see a news story - tabloid or not, I can't exactly remember who had posted it so I can't cite my reference as some have demanded - that said he was disappointed that his fans had suddenly become absent in terms of record sales. He may be the greatest guy in the world, but I can also truly believe he would wonder where all of his fans were when his record failed to sell extremely well.
Kelly Clarkson fanatics (funny how there were about a dozen of Kelly's #1 fans who posted, I'm afraid you cannot have multiple #1 fans, and I would be her immediate family get to truly claim that title) - I did happen to see her in the Reba M. tribute and yes she was great there, she and Martina worked well together. I'm also sure she really got to practice. I saw her aired live before a Nascar concert a few weeks ago and she was horrible. Again, maybe it was an off day, but based on that one live show I wouldn't pay money to see her.
Let's see. Clay Aiken - he has a few fans too, but I still don't like him. That's my opinion and telling me that I have to see his concerts before I judge him. I think not. I have better things to do with my money. I heard all I wanted on American Idol.
Kellie Pickler - again, still don't like her and all the fans in the world won't convince me to change my mind.
For those who then wondered exactly where my music tastes do stand. They vary. I would far prefer to spend my money on people like Jonny Lang or Shannon Curfman who can play guitar better than some "pros" and never seem to break out into the limelight. I expect Stevie Ray Vaughn quality from my musicians. I want to hear a voice and not have to name fifteen others before getting the right artist. Louis Armstrong, you'll identify his voice every time. The same is true of Maria McKee, Stevie Nicks, Jackson Browne, Eric Clapton, etc. There are other bands that sound so much alike that they've become boring to me. Many of the Idol "stars" follow down that sound-alike, boring path.
That's one of my things. For an artist to have true talent, let's see these American Idols pick up an instrument, write their own music, and have America judge those songs. It worked extremely well for Chris Young - he took the Nashville Star win. Though I'm not fond of his style of country, I hate twang, he wrote a song, performed it, and won the competition. To me, that is true talent.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
American Idol
After laughing my way through the auditions, I have watched a little more Idol this year than I normally would. I don't enjoy the popularity contest that this show endorses. Become a singer if enough of the world loves you for your looks/appearance versus your actual talent. Sanjaya is solidly proving my theory.
The kid can almost sing. I'll give him that. He has no stage persona, however, and for that reason he needed to be out of that show WEEKS ago. Unfortunately, I think there is a strong aspect of racism here. Whine if you like, but he is Indian (the country) by ancestry and I think the majority of those voting for him are voting for who he is/where his family comes from versus his actual talent. I won't even go into a rumor I've been hearing about those from India that work for U.S. companies managing to get in and vote. Maybe it's true, maybe not - but either way there needs to be a stricter voting system in place.
I think it is high time that American Idol sits down and looks at their format. It is far too easy to vote for this show and no one has to vote responsibly. Hire a panel to vote or allow the judges to have a larger say in who really stays or goes.
The kid can almost sing. I'll give him that. He has no stage persona, however, and for that reason he needed to be out of that show WEEKS ago. Unfortunately, I think there is a strong aspect of racism here. Whine if you like, but he is Indian (the country) by ancestry and I think the majority of those voting for him are voting for who he is/where his family comes from versus his actual talent. I won't even go into a rumor I've been hearing about those from India that work for U.S. companies managing to get in and vote. Maybe it's true, maybe not - but either way there needs to be a stricter voting system in place.
I think it is high time that American Idol sits down and looks at their format. It is far too easy to vote for this show and no one has to vote responsibly. Hire a panel to vote or allow the judges to have a larger say in who really stays or goes.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Energy Efficient Lightbulbs
After reading the news a few weeks back about California's decision to outlaw normal lightbulbs, I spent a little bit fuming about the price that some families are now having to spend. I will not argue the impact on the environment, but in my small house, I would need to purchase 29 light bulbs to cover all of the lights inside, in the basement, and outside. Some stores here sell those bulbs at $10 a pop so that would be pretty costly.
I did, however, make the change this week. If you have a Costco, they are selling 8 packs of those bulbs at a ridiculously low price. Here they are $10 for the 8 pack, but the state is offering an instant rebate of $8 - making the 8 pack cost a meager $2. Not bad, so I stocked up and started changing the more frequently used bulbs over. You may want to see if your state is offering a similar rebate.
Anyway, I also stumbled across this website. The biggest draw is that it records your purchases and tells you your total yearly savings to date. I'm up to $120 a year now - so my electricity bill should show a difference of $10 per month. Just one month has paid for all the bulbs I need.

I did, however, make the change this week. If you have a Costco, they are selling 8 packs of those bulbs at a ridiculously low price. Here they are $10 for the 8 pack, but the state is offering an instant rebate of $8 - making the 8 pack cost a meager $2. Not bad, so I stocked up and started changing the more frequently used bulbs over. You may want to see if your state is offering a similar rebate.
Anyway, I also stumbled across this website. The biggest draw is that it records your purchases and tells you your total yearly savings to date. I'm up to $120 a year now - so my electricity bill should show a difference of $10 per month. Just one month has paid for all the bulbs I need.
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