Thursday, March 30, 2006

Then & Now

As I continue watching old episodes of Pee-Wee's Playhouse, I keep finding more "guest" stars who launched their career on this wacky show. I know I've mentioned Lawrence Fishburne before (and now the classic line - "How's your weiner, Pee Wee?" will be stuck in my head forever.) . But as I've been watching more shows, I have found a very young Jimmy Smits, Sandra Bernhard... David Letterman's part-time cohort Larry "Bud" Melman. It's very funny to watch them on that show.

It also makes me wonder what happened to other actors and actresses that I've loved in the past. Some seem to just vanish.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What a difference...

I have two girls with me on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Today we reached 55 or so and it was sunny without a cloud in sight. So from 8am on, neither girl wanted to come inside. I'm happy to be out in the sun. What strikes me as funny is that one of these girls HATES winter and often complains about being outside when it is winter. Even during the warm spell in January, she'd carry on about being outside. Today, she carried on about having to go inside to eat lunch before the school bus. It's funny how all it takes is a good dose of sun.

I'm not arguing though. I loved being outside myself. My cheeks feel slightly rosy, so I might have spent too much time out there. I'm going to have to run to the store for more sunscreen. The rest of the week is the same - sun, warming, and not a cloud in the sky.


Sunday, March 26, 2006


I love the arrival of spring. It was cool, but not so cold that you needed a winter coat yesterday. (At least by VT standards.) 50 to me is pretty warm after winter! So we got our cold weather crops in yesterday, and I can't wait for a garden full of spinch and peas.

Then as night fell, we figured it was perfect weather for our first bonfire of the season. It's not really a bonfire per se, but more a large campfire. We had a tree that we'd removed last fall and we set it all on fire with pine needles that we'd racked out of the yard. I don't think there is anything nicer than a cool night, cuddling up next to a warm fire, and then just looking at the stars. I'm so psyched that spring is here! Hopefully anyway...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My Hat Is Off To...

I'm finally over this long-lasting cold that lead to a mild case of bronchitis (always a pain.) It had been two years since I'd had a really good/bad cold, so I wasn't enjoying life. Anyway, I have also been busy with various ghostwriting assignments, so I decided to catch up on other stuff today. Meanwhile, I have a few things to be serious, AND, sarcastic about today.

So my hat is off to...

1. Guys who build houses in freezing temperatures. I'm watching a crew build a house behind us. They've been working all week in 20 to 30 degree temperatures laying concrete, putting in the well, laying crushed stone for the driveway base, getting the foundation dug and poured. I'll happily go out and walk in this weather, but stand out there for 10 hours a day and work.... NO thanks!

2. Men and women who do everything while their wives or girlfriends, husbands or boyfriends help out very little. I'm talking about the man or woman who cooks, cleans, shops, does all the laundry, tends to the children, pays the bills, etc. all while holding a full-time job. Meanwhile the significant other goes out partying or "works late". I'd loan you my husband or self to help out just cause you are such a decent role model, but then I'm afraid you couldn't afford us. ;-)

3. The mailman and UPS man. At my house, these men (I'd say women, but they are both men so...) bust butt on a daily basis toting packages to my door. I treat them as well as I can with goodies as surprises for holidays and the likes. I know they are paid to do this, but regardless of the wintery roads, they are always dependable and I bet they don't often hear it.

4. Simon Cowell. I keep watching and wonder why Paula Abdul is still on the show. Whatever she is taking (and I'm certain she's taking something), it's really starting to become overtly apparent. Toppled glasses of whatever she drinks, screwed up speech, horrible grammar, flapping arm movements (what is with last night's seal clapping--clapping just the palm of her hands and nothing else???) She's on something. I know she was/is bulimic and I'm betting she's on some kind of happy pill for depression, anxiety or manic depression. Something's up with her. Meanwhile, Simon continues to be the dose of reality to the contestants. Chicken Little (whatever your real name is) sorry but you suck. You seriously, and I'm not exaggerating here, put me to sleep last night. You hit the chorus and I was out. You may have your little girl groupies, but you don't sing fantastically! You made me miss Ace. Thank God I caught Mandesa (if that's how you spell it), Kathryn, and Chris first. If you'd been first, I'd be cursing you right about now.

Now comes the sarcasm...

5. A special thanks to the delightful teenagers in my neighborhood who hung out late on Saturday night (Sunday morning) and smashed beer bottles all over the road. That certainly adds an air of atmosphere to the neighborhood. I especially LOVE keeping my dog's paws and little kids' boots out of the glass. I have just one more kind word for you... "Remember that will eventually have a kid who is JUST like you." I hope I'm there to see it. ;-)

6. To teachers that lie to parents. What excellent role models you are for our children. I definitely suggest researching what you tell a parent first. Some of us are just shrewd enough to check the facts that you are spouting. My children may not have you yet, but when they do I hope you are prepared for battle with a little more of a factoral base than you've shown thus far.

7. Drivers using cell phones. The slick running of the stop sign certainly deserves applause. My kids appreciate your thoughtfulness too! New lesson for you, stop means stop and turn off the damn phone until you've safely (emphasis on safely) pulled over.

8. To Bob and all those who think staying hard 24/7 is what women want. I get enough emails from you, so there must be a large percentage of you out there. Guess again! It's quality not quantity! Bob from the commercials - I flip away now if I get the slightest hint you are about to make an appearance. You drive me batty and not in a pleasant way. I'd like to ship you, the Geico Gecko, and Rich Tarrant to the same island where you have no chance of escape.

9. Rich Tarrant. You may be running against Bernie. I won't vote for you. Do I even know a speck about you? No, I just know your stupid soap opera "to be continued" ads are driving me insane. So you've lost my vote due to your ads. You need to find a new campaign advisor!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

School Letter, Part 2

So, I realize I never shared the outcome of the school's letter to me warning me that my son had missed too much school and that they were pushing for only 6 days off per year. I can be a very shy person at times, but come after my kids and I become the most evil she-bear you've ever encountered.

I started my quest by talking to a lawyer for the VT State Dept. of Education to find out exactly what the laws are in the state. He seemed to be enjoying himself as he read statutes. Basically, there are two applicable laws when it comes to a student being absent. 1. Any child absent for more than 10 days in a row must have a written note from a doctor and the school superintendent. So #1 did not cover my son being absent on and off at 9 times over the entire school year so far.

#2 - No child may be absent more than 21 days per school year without being considered delinquent. Again doesn't fit my son, so the lawyer told me to have fun going to battle.

I then decided to ask an expert pediatrician who works for our local CBS station. He gave me one piece of advice - find out what medical expert was consulted when this policy was enacted.

So I called the school and waited, and waited.... Nothing. So I sent a very snotty email. The next morning I got a call. So I let him speak and basically he covered his behind by saying the letter was all a mistake and never should have been sent and that I should throw it out and ignore it.

Then he proceeded to tell me that the only reason they've been taking a hard line this year is because the area high schools all have stricter policies. He proceeded to say that local high schools - BFA, Milton, Rice, Essex, and Colchester all give students 3 days off per semester and anything over those 3 days per semester, excused or unexcused, lead to automatic failure of the class. This sounded absurd to me. So after he hung up, I did some checking.

The correct policy is 7 days off per TRI-mester. Equaling the 21 day deliquent law. So now I've been lied to again...

It makes me wonder. Do I really want my child being taught by a man who first never stops to think that a parent has the intelligence to verify what he or she has been told? And two, a teacher who will LIE to a parent!!! I've lost all respect for this teacher, and hope he gets his facts straight before coming after my son for attendance issues.

In the end, I have a son who is asking to skip a grade. I know he can handle it, but I think it is pathetic that a 12 year old has now seen that some grown-ups just don't tell the truth.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Song Lyrics

Does anyone else remember a magazine in the 1980's that contained all the lyrics from the current hit songs? I LOVED that magazine, but it fizzled out in the mid-80's.

There was also a contest listing in the back..."Send us your lyrics. If they are good enough, you could be contacted by some of music's hottest music publishing companies..." Then you sent in lyrics and a few weeks later got a letter stating your lyrics were great and that they were interested. Pay $ for lessons on how to promote your lyrics to some of music's best...

I remember being about 12 and sending in a bunch of lyrics. All were deemed fantastic, and then the rest of the letter was a downer. It was an obvious scam, but kids didn't know...

So this weekend, my hubby and I went up to help my little brother install his kitchen flooring. (I say "little" brother, but in reality he's almost a foot taller and a good deal heavier, so he's not really my little brother but my younger brother.) We had on a radio station that plays 80's music on weekends. I listened to some of these lyrics and wonder what they have that I didn't....

I mean Culture Club's "Do you really want to huuuurrrrrtttt me. Do you really wanna make me cry." Pathetic.

"Oh Mickey, You're so fine. You're so fine you blow my mind." My brothers will forever hate Toni Basil because I owned that on 45 and played it a lot! Now, I look back and the lyrics sucked.

So we bought a couple CD's this weekend. Song titles - "Monkeys coming out of my head." I'm still thinking butt would have fit the band better, but I'll let it slide.

Then my husband took a liking to Dirty Vegas and it brings me back to days of New Order and some of those Canadian bands who were similar and unheard of. (The Box is one of them, but I can't remember if that was the song or the group name.) I think 80's music is going to come around again. With more modern lyrics, I think there might be something there.

With that, I'll depart with the song lyrics I actually wrote (or at least the one line I remember...) when I was 13ish. It's quite embarassing now, but please take into mind that this was during my AC/DC time...

"I've got an itch will you scratch it. I've got an urge to do it right."

Worse, if I remember the song was actually about having an itch on the bottom of your foot. :-D

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

War Path!

I feel like griping today. Certain things woke me up at 3:00am and I'm just not happy with the outcome yet.

#1 - People who let their teenaged daughter's homeless boyfriend live with them. The past week has been extraordinarily quiet with this kid not being around because the kid's girlfriend was visiting relatives in another state. No loud mufflers, no blaring music shaking walls and windows. It's been wonderful. So the girlfriend flew back in yesterday and didn't go to school today. The boyfriend has returned with his loud muffler and plenty of slamming doors, cranked up music, and the likes. I'm not particularly happy today!

#2 - Teachers that do not return phone calls. That just is rude and ticks me off.

#3 - While I'm on the teacher warpath... how about when a child misses a field trip due to illness and the school refuses to return your money paid for said field trip - the bus fare and the likes. I can understand keeping the $5 for the ticket to the play, it was probably non-refundable, but the $5 gas money for that student's place on the bus, that should have been returned.

#4 - Taxes. Enough said.

#5 - School districts where more than 1/2 of the voters are teachers and their friends and family. They outnumber the rest of the population, so there is no way a fair vote can be achieved.

#6 - This one goes out to my little brother. Furnace repairs that cost $500 when the parts come to around $90!

#7 - Laundry - it never ends!

#8 - Television writers. What brainchild decided to try to give the show Joey a final chance by pitting it against both American Idol and NCIS??? Like it would stand a chance??? This isn't the only show I've seen this happen with. So TV execs need to listen up. If a show is failing, putting it on against some of the highest rated shows is the kiss of death.... You're not getting anywhere by trying a show on a new night where there are excellent shows.

#9 - Speaking of NCIS what did Gibbs give Abby for her birthday? I feel cheated. All we know is that is was really glowing.

#10 - School vacations. Just when I was getting used to sleeping late and not having to get out of pajamas all day... vacations over and I have to be up and dressed again. :-( I'm not enjoying that!!

Monday, March 06, 2006


What on earth was last night's show? I didn't watch the entire thing but the snippets I did see while I was flipping back and forth between Iron Chef America and the Oscars horrified me.

I listened to Jon Stewart make his stupid comment about old movies would be better in color. I watched whatever those classic snippets were supposed to represent after Lauren Hutton made her speech.

Then I watched the Lead Actress bit in which Dame Judi was picked on and Reese Witherspoon was made to be the all american. I like Reese, but that whole segment made the Oscars look cheesey, overproduced and just embarassing.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

What's wrong with Simon?

As past posts have stated, I'm watching the current American Idol. I have three finalists decided- Chris, Lisa, and I can't think of her name - but the black woman who sang Cry this week.

Meanwhile, I keep listening to all the Simon-slamming. I wonder why people have such issues with him? He calls it as most see it. Sure he's a little abrupt, but some of these people truly suck and think they are fantastic. The way I see it, he's offering a strong dose of reality. I happen to like Simon and think that Paula and Randy are wimps. They keep flattering away, even when someone stinks they keep up the flattery. White lies are not the way to go in a professional competition such as American Idol.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

School Policies

Most of you know, I have two children. I work from home part-time. It was very important to my husband and myself that someone be home for our children. We see the problems that occur in this area with latch-key kids, and we wanted to avoid that. Money is always tight, but we'd rather live with a tight budget and know our children are not doing drugs, vandalizing houses, etc, as many kids in this neighborhood do.

My daughter rarely gets sick. I'm not sure why, but she was born almost three weeks late, and she's never sick. She avoids illness in a manner that stumps me. My son, however, is always the first in line to get whatever illness one of his classmates scares. He just had his 9th day sick this school year - he's been through a stomach flu, an ear infection, and now this chest/head cold that I am still battling two weeks later. He was born almost three weeks early - labor was induced and lasted 48 hours, so I often wonder if that plays a part in just how different my son and daughter are when someone is sick in their school...

Anyway, I got a letter a couple days ago - on my birthday no less- the school is demanding I attend a meeting on my son's extreme number of absences. Apparently, the school has a new policy in which they will not allow a student to miss more than 6 days of school per year. I'm baffled. From the time both of my children started school, we've been told not to send our children to school if they have a fever, an ear infection that distracts them from their work, are feeling nauseous or throwing up, and the likes. So I keep my children home when that happens.

My son gets A's, his homework is handed the next day after he returns from being sick, and yet I'm being told he's missed too much schooling and that a meeting is necessary. I'm ticked.

When a school thinks they are a better judge of a child than that child's own parent, I have serious issues. What's worse, the "committee" who deems how many days a child can be sick is now making it a no exception deal. All days off can no longer be allowed without a doctor's note for each day the child is sick. There is talk of my husband's company switching to a health insurance plan that will make copays for routine care rise to $50. So I am supposed to send my son to the doctor for $50 each time for anything - a stomach bug, cold, etc. I won't go into the fact that the doctor is against having to see a child for routine stuff that could be easily treated at home.

It's absurd and making home schooling my children look more appealing by the second.